

The project partners have prepared and implemented a large number of dissemination activities involving various types of target groups.


  • Popularization article Rescue of unique stucco decorations for SwissMag, a magazine for those interested in Swiss culture and Czech-Swiss cooperation. Author: Jana Zapletalová. Responsible partner: UPOL. Download here.
  • Popularization lecture Baltazar Fontana w Krakowie [Baldassarre Fontana in Cracow] for the University of the Third Age of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Michał Kurzej. Date: 23 March 2023. Responsible partner: JU.
  • Popularization guided tour of the sale terrene of the Archbishop's Château in Kroměříž How are stuccoes made? Stucco artist and sculptor Baldassarre Fontana in the sale terrene of the Archbishop's Château in Kroměříž through the eyes of a restorer. Venue: Kroměříž. Date: 23 August 2023. Author: Peter Majoroš. Responsible partner: UPOL.

  • Popularization article Rescue of stucco decorations across Europe. International project "Stucco decoration across Europe" for SwissMag, a magazine for those interested in Swiss culture and Czech-Swiss cooperation. Author: Jana Zapletalová. Responsible partner: UPOL. Download here.
  • Expert lecture Attraversando le regioni? Come Baldassarre Fontana, uno dei migliori stuccatori d'Europa "è finito" in periferia at the international conference Periphery or Regional Centers? Three Centuries of Art between Central Europe and the Adriatic (14001700). Venue: Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, SAZU. Date: 1415 September 2023. Author: Jana Zapletalová. Responsible partner: UPOL. Programme for download here.
  • Popularization workshop "Un'Europa che... lascia di stucco!" for the general public held in the framework of UNIGHT The European Researchers' Night. Venue: Italy, Turin, Palazzo Reale. Date: 29 September 2023. Author: Serena Quagliaroli. Responsible partner: UNITO. Programme available for download herePhotos from the event for download here.
  • Lecture evening with a series of popularization lectures Artisti itineranti: dalle valli Italo-Svizzere alla Repubblica Ceca. Abilità techniche, capacità organizzative degli stuccatori ticinesi e lombardi tra XVI e XVIII secolo [Migrant Artists from the Italian-Swiss Valleys to the Czech Republic. Technical skills and organizational capacities of Ticino and Lombard stucco artists between the 16th and 18th centuries] held at the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague. Organized by the Czech Republic, Prague, the Embassy of Switzerland in the Czech Republic and the Embassy of Italy in the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute and Palacký University in Olomouc. Venue: Czech Republic, Prague, Italian Cultural Institute. Date:16 October 2023. Authors: Jana Zapletalová, Serena Quagliaroli, Alberto Felici, Giovanni Nicoli, Giacinta Jean. Responsible partner: UPOL in cooperation with SUPSI and UNITO. Invitation available for download here. Photos from the event for download here.
  • Popularization lecture The art of stucco and its tradition: stucco artist and sculptor Baldassarre Fontana for the University of the Third Age of Palacký University Olomouc. Venue: Czech Republic, Olomouc, Palacký University Olomouc. Author: Peter Majoroš. Date: 26 October 2023. Responsible partner: UPOL.
  • Expert contribution Form and material of stucco decoration. Developing research projects for a better understanding, conservation and dissemination at the international conference "Le stuc dans les grands décors en France et en Europe, de la Renaissance à 1850". Organised by Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, Musée national du château de Fontainebleau, Musée national du château de Compiègne, Musée du Louvre, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France, Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques, Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte and Association Low Countries Sculpture.  Venue: France, Paris Fontainebleau Versailles. Date: 1113 December 2023. Authors: Giacinta Jean, Giovanni Nicoli, Jana Zapletalová. Responsible partners: SUPSI and UPOL. Download the programme here.


  • New syllabus and visual support material for tourist guides to the Sale terrene and grottoes of the Archbishop's Château in Kroměříž. Author: Jana Zapletalová. Date of preparation: winter 2023, use without time limit for the upcoming tourist seasons. Responsible partner: UPOL. Syllabus for download here. Images for the guide can be downloaded here.
  • Popularization lecture Siedemnastowieczne sztukaterie w Krakowie przed Baltazarem Fontana [17th century stucco artists in Cracow before Baldassarre Fontana] for the Association of Tourist Guides of Cracow, which is a renowned association of the most qualified official guides of the city. Venue: Poland, Cracow. Date: 15 January 2024. Author: Michał Kurzej Responsible partner: JU.
  • Popularization lecture Baltazar Fontana w Krakowie [Baldassarre Fontana in Cracow] for the Association of Tourist Guides of Cracow, which is a renowned association of the most qualified official guides of the city. Venue: Poland, Cracow. Date: 12 February 2024. Author: Michał Kurzej. Responsible partner: JU.
  • Interactive workshop for primary school children – making stucco decorations "Impariamo a fare lo stucco" [Learning to make stucco] in the conservation and restoration studio of the SUPSI Mendrisio campus. Venue: Switzerland, Mendrisio, SUPSI campus. Date: 13 February2024. Author: Giacinta Jean et al. Responsible partner: SUPSI.Photos for download here.
  • Popularization lecture Dekoracje sztukatorskie w Europie. Technika sztukatorska – materiały, narzędzia [Stucco decoration in Europe. Stucco technique, materials, tools] for the University of the Third Age of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Piotr Krasny. Date: 15 April 2024. Responsible partner: JU.
  • Popularization lecture Stiuk i techniki pokrewne w antyku i średniowieczu [Stucco and related techniques in antiquity and the Middle Ages] for the University of the Third Age of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Michał Kurzej. Date: 22 April 2024. Responsible partner: JU.

  • Popularization lecture Rafael Santi, Giulio Romano, Giovanni da Udine i odrodzenie techniki sztukatorskiej w epoce wczesnowożytnej [Rafael Santi, Giulio Romano, Giovanni da Udine and the rediscovery of stucco technique in the early modern period] for the University of the Third Age of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Piotr Krasny. Date: 29 April 2024. Responsible partner: JU.

  • Popularization lecture Baroque Accounting Diary of a Swiss Plasterer for seniors at the Municipal Library in Přerov. Venue: Czech Republic, Přerov, Municipal Library in Prerov. Date: 23 April 2024. Author: Jana Zapletalová. Responsible partner: UPOL.
  • Popularization lecture Stucco decoration and artificial marbles in the Basilica of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary at Svatý Kopeček for parishioners and other interested persons. Venue: Czech Republic, Svatý Kopeček near Olomouc, Basilica of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary. Date: 2 May 2024. Author: Jana Zapletalová. Responsible partner: UPOL. Invitation for download here.
  • Popularization lecture Stucco Decoration in Italian Art before Bernini for the University of the Third Age of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Piotr Krasny. Date: 6 May 2024. Responsible partner: JU.
  • Popularization lecture The Stucco Makers of Lake Lugano for the University of the Third Age of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Michał Kurzej. Date: 6 May 2024. Responsible partner: JU.

  • Requested expert lecture Castello Stella a Praga: le prime decorazioni in stucco del rinascimento in Boemia for professors and PhD students at the University of Ca´Foscari in Venice. Venue: Italy, Venice, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali, Dottorato in Storia delle Arti, RiVe - Centro Studi Rinascimento Veneziano. Date: 16 May 2024. Author: Jana Zapletalová. Responsible partner: UPOL. Invitation for download here.

  • Popularization lecture Stucco in the early modern period in the Holy Roman Empire for the University of the Third Age of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Piotr Krasny. Date: 20 May 2024. Responsible partner: JU.
  • Popularization lecture Early Modern Stucco Decoration in Cracow for the University of the Third Age of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Venue: Poland, Cracow, Jagellonian University. Author: Michał Kurzej. Date: 27 May 2024. Responsible partner: JU.
  • Popularization workshop on stucco decorations including lime extinguishing at Solvay Quarries, an experimental workplace of the Institute for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Venue: Czech Republic, Solvay Quarries. Date: 20 July 2024. Authors: Petr Kozlovcev, Jiří Frankl a Kristýna Kotková. Responsible partner: UTAM. Invitation for download here.

  • Guided tour about Baldassarre Fontana as part of the European Heritage Days at the Ethnographic Museum in the Muggio Valley. Venue: Switzerland, Cabbio, Casa Cantoni. Date: 8 September 2024. Authors: Alberto Felici, Giacinta Jean, Giovanni Nicoli. Responsible partner: SUPSI.

  • Guided tour of the stucco decorations in the Church of San Giovanni Battista in Mendrisio as part of the European Heritage Days. Venue: Switzerland, Mendrisio, Church of San Giovanni Battista. Date: 8 September 2024. Authors: Alberto Felici, Giacinta Jean, Giovanni Nicoli. Responsible partner: SUPSI.
  • Popularization workshop for children – how to make stucco. Venue: Switzerland, Lugano, Quartiere Maghetti. Date: 21 September 2024. Authors: Medea Uccelli. Responsible partner: SUPSI. Invitation for download here.
  • Popularization workshop "Apprendista stuccatore" [Stucco Apprentice] organized in the framework of the so-called UNIGHT – The European Researchers' Night. Venue: Italy, Turin, Musei Reali. Date: 27 September 2024. Author: Serena Quagliaroli, Massimo Romeri et al. Responsible partner: UNITO. Invitation and photos for download here.

  • A popularization lecture and workshop for Masserano residents about the stucco decorations in an important monument in their community. Venue: Italy, Masserano (Biella), Palazzo dei Principi Ferrero Fieschi. Date: 5 October 2024. Authors: Serena Quagliaroli, Massimo Romeri et al. Responsible partner: UNITO. Invitation and photos for download here.

  • Popularization workshop for primary school pupils – how to make stucco. Venue: Switzerland, Lugano, Scuole Molino Nuovo. Date: 6 November 2024. Authors: Medea Uccelli. Responsible partner: SUPSI.

  • Popularization lecture Geniuses of the High Baroque: Johann Bernhard Fischer from Erlach and Santino Bussi. The Baroque symbiosis of architecture, stucco and sculpture for the students of the University of the Third Age at Palacký University Olomouc. Venue: Czech Republic, Olomouc, Palacký University Olomouc. Date: 7 November 2024. Author: Martin Krummholz. Responsible partner: UPOL. Photos for download here.

  • A popularization lecture for gifted children and youth "St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Anne" about the two most important churches in Krakow. Venue: Poland, Cracow. Date: 11 November 2024. Author: Michał Kurzej. Responsible partner: JU.

  • Guided tour of two churches in Cracow with stucco decorations for gifted children and youth. Venue: Poland, Cracow. Date: 13 November 2024. Author: Michał Kurzej. Responsible partner: JU.

  • Expert lecture Da Roma and Praga. L'eredità della Villa di Agostino Trivulzio in Europa centrale at the international colloquium Lungo l'acquedotto. L'Aqua Virgo nella sua storia passata e nel presente, dalla periferia al centro di Roma, tra archeologia e storia dell'arte. Venue: Italy, Rome, Università di Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Studi umanistici. Date: 3 December 2024. Authors: Jana Zapletalová and Grégoire Extermann. Responsible partner: UPOL. Programme for download here.

  • Expert lecture Stucco e tecniche antiche nelle dimore del Cinquecento: un itinerario lungo l' Aqua Virgo at the international colloquium Lungo l'acquedotto. L'Aqua Virgo nella sua storia passata e nel presente, dalla periferia al centro di Roma, tra archeologia e storia dell'arte. Venue: Italy, Rome, Università di Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Studi umanistici. Date: 3 December 2024. Author: Serena Quagliaroli. Responsible partner: UNITO. Programme for download here.

  • Popularization lecture Renaissance stucco in Bohemia and Moravia: style, forms and commissioners for the students of the University of the Third Age at Palacký University Olomouc. Venue: Czech Republic, Olomouc, Palacký University Olomouc. Date: 5 December 2024. Author: Ondřej Jakubec. Responsible partner: UPOL. Photos for download here.


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